Summer Safety X Mental Health Awareness Week at Southport College

Southport College's Student Welfare Team kicked off May with a two-week long programme, combining Mental Health Awareness Week and Summer Safety!

Students with a 5-week baby owl from Party Central Wildlife Experience

By combining Summer Safety & Mental Health Awareness Week, our student body were treated to a two-week long programme of exciting events to boost wellbeing.

A series of engaging workshops, informative talks, and interactive activities were organized to help promote student wellbeing throughout exam season and give students the information and tools to keep themselves safe mentally and physically throughout the summer and beyond.

During the first event, representatives from local organisations, including Merseyside Police, National Trust Formby, Samaritans, Southport Lifeboat Trust, CGL Drug and Alcohol Team, Sefton Sexual Health, and Everlast Gyms came along to give practical support and advice for students. Southport Lifeboat Trust and National Trust Formby came along to spread awareness around looking after our natural environment and keeping ourselves safe around our coastlines. Other organisations came along to give out advice around mental wellbeing, sexual health, and building healthy relationships.

Liverpool-based mental health charity Be Free Campaign delivered brilliant mental health workshops with progress groups across the College. These workshops provided students with a safe and supportive space to discuss important topics related to mental wellbeing, develop coping mechanisms, and learn valuable skills for managing stress and anxiety.

The final event of the programme included a fantastic lunch time visit by Scott from Party Central Wildlife Experience. Scott bought along a selection of furry and not-so-furry animals ranging from snakes and spiders, to owls and meerkats. Staff and students alike were so happy to meet such an array of animals and definitely reduced stress in the middle of exam season!

Here at Southport College, we have an ongoing commitment to student wellbeing. To find out more, visit this page on our website.

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Author: Admin