Southport College Student secures place at prestigious Jimmy Choo Academy

L4 Art and Design Foundation Student, Emily Nicholson, has successfully secured a place at the prestigious Jimmy Choo Academy in Mayfair, London.

Emily Nicholson, L4 Art and Design Foundation student

Established in 2021, The JCA London Fashion Academy is a distinguished university based in the heart of London. Designer and entrepreneur, Jimmy Choo, founded the academy to help encourage the next generation of fashion designers to master their craft and pave their way into the industry.

Starting in September 2024, Emily will begin an undergraduate degree in Fashion Design, Branding, and Entrepreneurship where she will develop her fantastic fashion design skills and build her entrepreneurial mindset. The aim of the degree is to support aspiring fashion designers develop business ideas and create key industry contacts whilst building their portfolio.

Emily was one of only 30 students accepted into the course, despite facing competition from 300 applicants. We are super excited for her future and we can’t wait to see what she achieves during her time in London with the Jimmy Choo family!

If you're looking to find out more about our L4 Art and Design Foundation, click here.

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Author: Admin